Sunday, August 22, 2010

30 Day Challenge

Amber didn't post the 30 day challenge update last week so I ignored it.  Why you ask?  Well, of course because I did horribly.  However, I have no good reason.  I have been lazy and selfish. 

Amber will be posting updates on Mondays now.  I will be joining the next challenge, starting tomorrow.  Here is what I will be working on:

1-Continue (or shall I say start again) daily devotional reading.  Reading with the children and family does not count.

2-Continue on the Nutri-system program, my way.  (Did I even mention that I started NS a couple of weeks ago.)  What I mean by my way is that I eat most dinners with the family-what they are eating.  My goal is to overall make healthier choices, and eat proper portions.  I've been doing well.  Actually today was my worst day so far.

3-Spend less time wasted on the computer.  I have things that I need to do on the computer (check and respond to emails, write my TOS reviews, etc.) Those things are fine.  But no more time wasting!

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