Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1: A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts

I don't have many pictures of me.  I'm usually the one with the camera, or I hide from the camera.  Obviously this is from Christmas last month.

15 facts about me (I'm not promising interesting)  :-)

1-I grew up military and moved a lot.  Until I was married, 3 years was the longest I ever lived in one house.  My new record is almost 6 years.
2-Before children, I worked in banking.  I was robbed once as a teller and the guy who robbed me got caught because he was playing around in his car with a friend in a parking lot.  The police who responded had responded to my robbery and thought the guy fit the description of the robber so he asked if he could look at his wallet.  The thief let the police look through his wallet-the note he used to rob me was still in it!
3-The other robbery I was in was a takeover.  That guy shot a bullet into the ceiling and one on the teller line.  I was at a desk that time.
4-I am half adopted.  My stepfather adopted me when I was 12.  He is the only father I every really knew and I consider him my real dad.
5-My youngest sister is one year younger than my oldest nephew.
6-My oldest sister is 12 years older than me and my little sister is almost 6 years younger.  I have nieces who have children.
7-I'm pregnant with child #3.  I find this interesting mostly for two reasons. 1-This was a surprise. 2-For several years I wanted more children but my husband did not so I asked for contentment with the two I have.  For a couple of years, I have been very content being a mom of 2.  God has a sense of humor.
8-Third child or not-I'm scared of childbirth.
9-My husband is originally from Norway and speaks Norwegian.  I never thought I'd marry someone who spoke a second language.  (And I find it sexy when he does.  Sorry if that's TMI, but this is my blog.)
10-Growing up, I wanted to be three things-a wife, a mom and a teacher.  As a homeschooling mama, I am all three and I love it.
11-I am a conservative Christian who prays daily that I will be more obedient to God's Word.  I desire to hunger and thirst for God's Word the way I should-but I don't.
12-We had a kransekake for a grooms cake at our wedding.  (It's a cake with rings-check out the link for a picture).  Traditionally the bride is blindfolded and with the husband, they take a knife and cut the rings.  The number of rings that fall off is the number of children you will have.  We cut off 4 rings (and I'm not having twins.)
13-My favorite color is red.
14-This is the fourth house my husband and I have purchased since we've been married.
15-I absolutely adore and love my husband!

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