Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blog Walk Week 6

Here is this week's TOS crew's blog walk.

1. Deanna’s Corner
2. Light, Liberty, and Learning
3. Bunny Trails
4. Flowers N Plaid Homeschool
5. Gadow Ohana
6. His Wonderful Works
7. Expand
8. Confessions of a Homeschooler
9. The Sojourner
10. A Full Heart

Heidi and Brenda, our fearless leaders for the TOS crew, have their own Tuesday blog walk and this week my friend Denise's team is being featured. This means that our friend, Tina is also featured since she is part of Denise's mini-crew. Check out Denise's blog here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining our Blog Walk.