Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 20: Write a letter to someone

To my baby yet to be born:

You are so lucky to already have a big sister and big brother who love you.  Both are looking forward to your coming, even if there is some apprehension in there too.  Sometimes (maybe even often), they will be bossy.  After all, you will be the youngest and they are going to help take care of you.  They will play with you, even though you are many years younger than they are.

Your dad and I are also looking forward to meeting you.  We wonder who you are going to be.  What traits will you carry from us, and what will be uniquely yours.

I am praying for you every day.  My greatest prayer is that you come to know Jesus in your life and what real love is all about.  I also pray for wisdom and strength in raising you.

I love you.

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