Monday, February 14, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Wendy at Homechool Blessings awarded me this Stylish Blogger Award.  It's been fun getting to know Wendy a bit through the Homeschool Crew. She is the first mate in charge of our mini-crew and she has been very helpful! Thanks Wendy!

The rules to follow for those receiving the Stylish Blogger Award are:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
7 things about me:

  1. As a child I always wanted to be three things-a wife, a mom and a teacher.  As a homeschooling mom, I get to be all three.
  2. I'll turn 40 just a few weeks after this baby is born.  I never thought I'd have a baby after age 35.
  3. I come from a family of girls.  I have three sisters, five nieces, three great-nieces and a daughter (total-12).  I have zero brothers, one nephew, one great-nephew and one son (total-3).  
  4. I enjoy scrapbooking and card making.
  5. I lived in Japan for three years when I was young.  I believe I was 5 when we left.  My little sister was born there.  I spoke Japanese a bit while there but now only remember my numbers 1-10 and a few words.
  6. I don't care for gardening-my thumb is black in that area!  I do have one plant I've had for about 10 years.  It lives even though I can go a month without watering it.  
  7. I'm looking forward to getting to "do preschool" again with baby #3.  I love preschool!

The blogs I'm nominating:
Got Chai
My life as a helpmeet and homeschooling mom of many
Excuse the mess, we're making memories
To the Sea with me
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
A Little Bit of Amber
Humbly Walking...
The Bayley Blatherings
Four Giggling Monkeys
Anderberg Family Blog
In the Moment


Aleah said...

Thanks, Rachel!

It was fun reading a bit about you!

Pink Slippers said...

Thank you Rachel! And what a sweet comment! I have never felt I had a lot of style...I just like what I like but I am trying to be a bit more brave about it. Might as well enjoy what your wearing, right?! :) Watch for my link back to this post, it will be coming soon!

melanie said...

Thanks Rachel! That was nice of you...I was not aware of such an award.