Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Last weekend we decided we needed a break from all the house selling/buying and took the kids to a pumpkin patch with a corn maze. I'll be honest and tell you that it did not start off very fun-arguing over how to do the maze. Once we worked out a system, we enjoyed it though.

The kids each picked out their own pumpkin to carve. They wanted huge pumpkins so we let them get them and World Traveler and I decided not to carve pumpkins ourselves this year. I completely forgot to take a picture of what the pumpkins actually look like after being carved so I'll do that some other time.

This is Precise Prince doing what he loves-being precise.  This is where the arguing came from.  He wanted to follow the map while Creative Princess wanted to wander aimlessly and see what happened.  It really showed their different personalities.  We finally got a good compromise--we wandered aimlessly for awhile and then used the map. 

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