Thursday, September 2, 2010

School Days

I would consider today our official start of the school year.  (We were going to start Monday but the past three days have been filled with important family things to attend to.)  We are easing into the school year today and tomorrow but it felt good to be productive in this way.  I thought I would share what I hope our school days will look like this year.  Maybe posting our schedule will help me stay accountable.  (HA)

First, I am not a scheduler.  I'm more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" type of gal.  But I do like a routine and when we stay in a routine, life around here is better-the kids behave better, I'm less grumpy, the house usually doesn't get out of control, etc.

My goal is to be out of bed by 8:15.  After a quick (actually it should look like this: QUICK) email check, it's downstairs for breakfast.  The kids get their own breakfast.  I want to focus on better clean up however.  They tend to "forget" to put things away.  After breakfast chores: kids wipe down their bathroom and do their extra chore (they each have one).  I finish breakfast clean up and start a load of laundry.

After a shower for me, school is in session.  We always start with prayer and Bible reading.  Usually at this point, I then have the kids work on math and any subject they need extra help on.  This year, we will include cursive writing continuing to use the Peterson-Directed Method.  Next is KONOS.  Usually this means a discussion of what we are studying, reading out loud and then doing some hands-on stuff for learning.  Some days, we will read science before KONOS.  I am coordinating an Apologia coop for the third year.  This year is Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day

Depending on how much we need to do for the day with KONOS, we may need to break for lunch and finish up afterwards.  Otherwise, after lunch is free time after working on chores.  This year, my goal is to spend some of this time playing games, working on extra projects with the kids and teaching them some cooking and baking. 

Afternoons will also be a good time to work on review products and writing the reviews.  Of course, good weather will hopefully mean the kids will be outside getting some exercise too.

Late afternoons and evenings will be pretty full most of the time with sports, community group and other out of the house activities.

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